
Random Army Tidbits

I will soon be assigned to a military intelligence unit and I am excited for the change.

I will miss the 55th Sustainment Brigade, but by God's grace, I have accomplished all that I sought to do with them. Most of them are my friends (and I care about all of them), and I am satisfied that they have had the whole counsel of God shared with them over the years. My final goal before moving on was to deploy with this unit, and now I am content.

My new unit will be quite different from the old. We do have SF, airborne, or infantry units in the Reserves. This is the closest we have. Some call our MI folks the "JB's" of the Army--the James Bonds, Jason Bournes, and Jack Bauers. Not only will I have the opportunity to love on a new type of soldier, but will have more opportunities to expand my training and experience (i.e. jump school, combat medical ministry school, etc).

I had lunch with the current chaplain of my new unit yesterday, and she let me know that she has been praying for me for quite a while now. What an encouragement!

After we ate lunch (at the hospital cafeteria at Ft. Belvoir), we dropped by the chaplain office in the building. I ran into one of my former classmates from my initial chaplain training course (almost six years ago). He deployed to Afghanistan in 2012. When I asked him how he and his family are doing, he said that things are just beginning to become "normal" again--a poignant reminder that we all come back changed and that there is no recipe for recovery but clinging to the Gospel.

In that vein, I think it useful to think past all of the political bluster regarding this whole Bowe Bergdahl ordeal (especially for Christians). My church family has been connected to this saga for a number of years now and have been actively praying for Bowe's release, despite whatever circumstances precipitated his capture. His parents are suffering believers who need our compassion, not our condemnation, and we can hope that both justice would prevail in the civil realm and mercy prevail in the spiritual realm as it pertains to our broken soldier who has come home.

I hope (but am not confident) that many will become convicted of their own prior apathy in this current controversy. How many of you were thinking of those six dead soldiers and their families prior to all of this? Why do we as a country only weep for the loss of these soldiers now? We all become morally-minded humanitarians when we have a political stake in the matter. May we all remember that while we live, others die. This life is but a mist. Perhaps the best tribute we can give those who die in our stead is to make our lives worthwhile--not in mere pursuit of happiness (selfish hedoism is not tribute to the fallen), but to consider our purpose in this life, which according to Scripture, is much bigger than our own personal narrative.

The bigger narrative--that of the triune God redeeming a beloved people throughout history by the person and work of Jesus Christ--is what will make "the things of earth grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace."

Speaking of narratives, Dana Lyon sent me this email recently:

Hi there Ch Roberts,

Thank you for the continued notes of encouragement and prayers... the Body of Christ is helping this child of God hobble along through this grief.  I miss my Dave so so much.  

I know that He has never left me, not even in this time.  He's closer than He's ever been, but goodness, I just want a break from the pain.  I don't know what else to do but worship and sit at His feet, that's where Dave is... I just wish He would provide something more tangible.  He gave me all I ever wanted as a woman, a strong leader and a God fearing warrior for a husband--I feel so weak and vulnerable without him.  I hate being alone and I hate being without my best friend and protector.  We were not made for this pain, we were not made for this world.  

You are right, this is a broken broken world, but The Lord does fight for us, He does provide for us and He will heal this broken heart.  Until I figure out His plan for this life, I keep trudging along day by day...

Thanks again for your prayers and encouragement... 
