About Me

First and foremost, I am a sinner saved by grace, a pilgrim venturing through this vale of tears until I see our Lord face to face.

I am a Maryland native, but now embracing the Wisconsin winter! I am the grateful husband of a wee little wife and father of a smiley-faced, hyperactive little boy. I serve in His ministry in two different venues: as an Evangelist with Falls Presbyterian Church (Menomonee Falls, WI) and the Army Reserve chaplaincy, based out of Eau Claire, WI. I am also a board member for Joy to the World Ministries, Inc.--a non-profit that combines Church-based evangelistic work with grassroots economic development in Malawi, Africa.

I graduated from Calvin College in Michigan, where I received a Bachelors of Arts in Political Science, and from Westminster Seminary in California, where I received a Masters in Divinity.

Fun Factoids:

I sang the National Anthem at an professional indoor soccer game as a soprano.

I got chased off a mountain in Malawi by a baboon and tried out for American Idol a few weeks later (and sounded a bit like my baboon friend).

I have worked at The Heritage Foundation, have handed out campaign literature at my local polling place since pre-adolescence, and take as much delight in watching states go blue or red on Election Night as I do in watching the lighting of the Christmas tree.

I have written political articles for The Washington Times and theological articles for Modern Reformation, but I love philosophy, psychology, history, cultural analysis, and sports almost as much as politics and theology. I just hate math. Oh, how I hate math.

I was deployed to Afghanistan for half a year and am most certainly a different man as a result.

While I am a bubbly, feelings-based, liberal arts-minded extrovert, my wife is a subdued, thinking-based, technically-mind introvert. I speak and write for a living. She edits. We were made for a sitcom.

I dream of dying valiantly, which means I must strive to live modestly. Soli Deo gloria!