
How Much Should Christians Love the Church?

Before I became a Christian, I thought of the church as a haven for hypocrites.

I remember going to church as a little punk kid with baggy clothes, and having a finely-attired kid attack me for being there. Apparently, church was no place for someone as messy as me.

Then I became a Christian, and I would like to tell you that my thinking changed about the church. It only changed a bit--I critiqued it from the inside rather than the outside. I still complained about the people who dressed themselves up, and when unbelievers talked about hypocrisy in the church, I sadly nodded along and talked about what a shame it was that some people didn't live up to the profession in Christ.

Later into my Christian journey, I learned that pithy phrase "The church is an ugly bride." Even as I heard that phrase and nodded along enthusiastically, I was stung. "Whose bride?" "Who belongs to the church?"

I am part of the church--the bride of Christ--and do not have the luxury of being an armchair critic. Every critique I make about church rebounds on me. Complaining about the hypocrites makes me a hypocrite. As the Apostle Paul said, "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners...of whom I am the foremost."

Now, when I hear people talk about the hypocrisy of the church, I tell them that I am the worst of hypocrites, and that I am sorry.

Yet, she is still the bride of Christ.

Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. (Eph. 5:25-27)

If Christ loves his bride, then I should as well (both my wife and the church!). How much does He love her? He gave himself up for her. Think about that. No one stood by Jesus on the day of his death. The church would be gathered from those who denied him, abandoned him, and cried out for his crucifixion.

How much, then, should Christians love the church? Obviously, we aren't Jesus nor can we fill ourselves to follow His example, but we can live in view of His mercy by grace He gives us. Here are a few ways in which we can love the church:

1) We can speak well of her and seek to build her up. When the people cried for Christ's crucifixion, they also cried for his blood to be on their hands (Matt. 27:15-26). Instead, of calling down wrath upon them, Christ cried "Father, forgive them..."

2) We can bear wounds without growing bitter. I know, easier said than done, but love covers over a multitude of sins. Obviously, Christ knows what it is bear wounds at the hands of the church. Yet, for the joy set before Him, He endured the cross. The truth is, Christ draws people from every walk of life and calls them to bind their hearts to Christ and to one another. It's not just that he bore wounds, but in a sense, he bore them at my hand! He bore the wounds from me and for me. So I can bear wounds and give glory to God.

3) We can value every member of the church, even when we disagree. Again, there are vastly different personalities in the church. Christ bore His wounds for people from every tribe, tongue, people, and language. This diversity in every sense is no accident. We don't want an echo chamber of our own enlightened thoughts, but a people who sharpen and encourage one another as long as it is called "today."

4) We bring our messes to the church in plain view, rather than our Sunday School facades. The church--this ugly bride of which we're a part--is also a hospital for souls. It is there that Christ tends to the mess and binds our wounds. It is not a sanctuary for self-righteous saints. We do not dress ourselves--we are dressed in and by Christ. We stand as naked as Christ upon that cross with the knowledge that His forsakeness meant our forgiveness. By His wounds we are healed. He rose from the dead so we can rise from our bed and each week worship God the Father through God the Son by the power of God the Holy Spirit.

This is on my heart and I am preaching these words to myself as I write. Do you despise the church for your wounds? Consider the wounds of Christ and love the ugly bride for whom He died!