
A Chaplain's Blood

A chaplain recently told me one of his heart-rending experiences from early in the Iraqi War.

One of his soldiers was out on patrol when his vehicle was hit by an IED. The chaplain and his assistant were on hand to help rush the litter (stretcher) from the chopper to the medical outpost. As soon as they laid the soldier down, the chaplain took his post by his soldier's right ear, telling him how much they loved him and praying for him. The chaplain continued to do this after the soldier slipped into unconsciousness.

The soldier was losing too much blood. Blood loss is the most common reason for death in the war environment. The chaplain and his assistant both happened to have the same blood type as the soldier. They were hooked up on either side of the soldier was their blood was pumped directly into him. Eventually, the soldier succumbed to his injuries.

In the aftermath of such a sudden loss and overwhelming tragedy, with tears in his eyes and prayers on his tongue, the chaplain went to inform the command, followed by this soldier's platoon.

God willing, I will never confront such a horrific ordeal with one of my soldiers, though by His grace, I will be prepared to do so. But, as I listened to this chaplain's account with bated breath, I thought over and over "My blood is not enough. It is not sufficient to save a man." Even if my blood was used to sustain somebody's life, it cannot save them. It would merely be a stall--death awaits us all.

As the Psalmist writes, "Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I again shall praise Him, my salvation and my God." (Ps. 42:5)

I am grateful to my Father in Heaven, who by His grace through faith in Jesus Christ, has become my salvation and my God. Even as I journey though the valley of death, I will look to my God and know from whom my help comes. My future hope is my present joy, knowing that whatever I pass through in this vale of tears, I again shall praise Him. For Christ's blood is sufficient.