It wouldn't be the Army without something like a massive power-outsage every so often. At least it's planned--from 0900 to 1400 today. As a result (and due a portion of our soldiers traveling to another post for the next two weeks), the rest of us have a "free day" today. Perhaps I can catch up on a few phone calls, polish up plans for services tomorrow, due some good reading, workout, and spend time with soldiers. I'm hitting the gym most every day and hoping to get back in "young person" shape, though I'm now basking on the dark side of thirty years of age.
I'll be spearheading the group sojourn to the Ft. Hood 5k in two weeks. Until that time, I'll be working to improve my running time, as well as coordinate rewards for a unit that was willing to do a 5k together. I've asked our CDR to convey his pride to the soldiers (especially for the "do not leave a fallen comrade" clause that will keep everybody moving until the whole unit is across the line). Maybe we'll have pizza or something too.
I enjoyed bonding with the chaplain who was here before me (left this morning). He is an evangelical minister in the United Methodist Church. He has been in for a lot longer time than me and working on his PhD. Very thoughtful man and wonderful intellectual sparring partner. Please pray for his son, who has Aspergers, and his wife who is trying to manage their son in the wake of the good chaplain's departure.
Some thoughts on Psalm 42 to come later...