
A Few Days of Surreal Reality

At the present time, I am enjoying a few days away with wife and baby. We are set up at a resort overlooking a beautiful lake and spend most of our time on the balcony, enjoying the warm gusts of the Texas summer.

Baby and I are enjoying a lot of good quality time. I tend to smile unconsciously, and Baby loves to smile in response to other people smiling, so there is a lot of smiling going on. While I'm sure he's still partial to Mommy, Baby still loves time with his daddy.

And Wifey and I still enjoy the same, wonderful God-nourished friendship that has always formed the heart of our marriage. Our "balcony time" is a staple of our life together, wherever we reside. In the morning, our conversations are accompanied by coffee. In the evening, by wine, fruits, and a sunset.

What do I need in this life beyond what God has already given? I have Christ, and with Him, all things.