I spoke with a Romanian friend for a little while last night. (As an aside, it is amazing how much men will open up when they are smoking.)
We have many Coalition soldiers like this one who earn far less than US forces and have a much harder financial situation back home. As the cold season approaches, I think some of these soldiers could use fleeces, and they often have children back home who could use basic school supplies.
If any of you would be willing to send any of these items out here, it would surely be appreciated. You could also attach a note and Bible verse, giving a reason for your care and the hope you have.
US soldiers need very little in material support these days--the same cannot be said of these faithful allies.
If you are interested in helping, email either me or the wifey for my address out here.
I preached in the morning and evening today--The Gospel According to Isaac: God's Substitute and A Devastating Day of God's Glorious Grace (Martyrdom of Stephen), respectively.
Wish you all God's richest blessings in Jesus Christ.