A number of Christian soldiers have come to me recently with concerns they have regarding some services and studies offered by folks of a more "charismatic" persuasion.
A few considerations with regard to the modern charismatic movement:
1) If they have a biblical view of Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior from sin, then we should rejoice. Either if some of their other views are erroneous, we should celebrate that they will join us in heaven.
2) That said, there is a certain portion, and a number of prominent leaders, of the modern charismatic movement that do not have a biblical view of Jesus. These folks argue that there is no Trinity--the Father, Son, and Spirit are merely different roles that Jesus plays. This is the ancient heresy of modalism and should be roundly condemned.
3) The fact that such a view is held by a significant minority does not mean we can paint all with the same brush. Remember that there is incredibly divergent views within the charismatic movement.
4) God's final, only, and authoritative revelation is the Bible. Anybody who claims to have a definitive "word from God" that is not text from the Bible is blaspheming God. We are warned never to take from or add to His Word (Rev. 22).
5) Likewise, God does not speak with two tongues. His Word and His Spirit are never in dispute, but are always confirming one another. If someone disregards a clear teaching of Scripture in the name of some sort of sanction by the Spirit, then they are in a state of rebellion. We all must submit to His Word.
6) As such, when the apostolic band of the New Testament spoke in tongues, they were speaking the Word in different languages--again guided by Word and Spirit together to bring the Gospel to the nations. I do not believe this occurs anymore, but this is a fundamental litmus test for anyone who believes they have this gift. Such speaking in other languages was used to spread the Word--to reveal, not confuse. And God's authoritative revelation to His people in His Word.
Just a few thoughts...