I am thankful that peripheral issues are truly peripheral issues--otherwise, my beloved Redskins falling to the dreaded Cowboys would be a huge blow. :)
My chaplain assistant will be joining a small group of our soldiers who will be returning home by the end of the fall. While it was fun having his around, it probably took more time and energy finding work for him and entertaining him than it did operating without him. This is not his fault. Please pray that I would compassionately share the Gospel with him, not act like a crotchety old man (give off that Smartphone and go play outside!).
Speaking of the Gospel, I've continued to develop a solid friendship with my Reformed buddy out here. We're going through a good book, Dangerous Calling, together. It is good to have a friend out here who doesn't simply regard me as the chaplain!
This friend, an engineer, recently completed a 25k project to build a tower at a high point in a given locale in order for us to gain greater advantage over the enemy. Soon after completing the project, and before our native counterparts occupied it, the enemy came, cut the locks, and occupied the building. This has led to a lot of dark humor on our part--you'd cry if you didn't laugh. We either just built a tower for the enemy, or a deathtrap. I suggested that we send someone over to knock on the door and politely ask for the building back. Something along the lines of "C'mon, buddy. You know that building isn't yours. Why don't you give it back?" Don't think that will work.
A soldier visited me last night. He is black, enlisted, a dock worker on the civilian side, and quiet. He visited because he knows I like politics, and he was interested in talking politics. We talked the JFK assassination, conspiracy theories (and their absurdity), the prevalence of political corruption (or lack thereof), the vital role of a free press, and why we don't need to think the worst of politicians of either political party (we can condemn their policies without denigrating the person). Toward the end, he said "Some people think I'm dumb because I don't talk." He showed me why they are wrong.
It looks like I'll be able to coordinate and lead a shadow Ragnar Relay out here in the next month. We'll probably have two teams running 200 miles over the course of about 30 hours--teams composed of Americans, Canadians, officers, enlisted soldiers, men, and women. If all goes according to plan, it should be a source of pride for all soldiers on this post.
My plan to pursue a D.Min. at Liberty U fell through because it turns out that Army tuition assistance doesn't support doctorates. Not sure whether I should look in other directions or whether God is just closing the door of further education for the time being. The wonderful thing about God's providence is that I am required to trust more than I am to know.
Random Stat: I have conducted sixty six counseling appointments since we arrived in country. May God use such precious opportunities for His glory!