The picture in the article was taken in the motor pool at my current post. Those guys will be going home soon to a well-deserved fiesta. They'll be replaced by my brother's former division.
I am not a picture guy, but with the persistent prodding of the wifey, I have managed to take a few here and there.
This picture was from my barracks in my first post.
This was the site of our joint Memorial Day ceremony that I was a part of in the north.
This is the memorial on that post to those who have lost their lives while stationed there.
The largest city in the north in on the left; the rest of Afghanistan is on the right.
This was my chaplain assistant at our airport-post a week or so before heading home.
This is the guy I mentor. He is from Maryland like me (but one of the few good parts) and hopes to minister to ROTC students. I encouraged to attend seminary. He applied and was accepted into RTS Charlotte. He and his wife will both leave the Air Force in a year or so to begin that next adventure!
These are some of the snow-capped mountains ringing the capital city. In a few weeks, the snowfall will descend from the mountains and turn our sandy wasteland into a snowy wasteland. :)
These folks from my unit ran in the four mile Turkey Trot I oversaw on Friday morning. Guess which ones are Australian.
This is my body armor hanging on the wall in my office. I don it every time I go outside the wire.
This is my son's hand print, which I keep under my little Christmas tree. There is nothing I really want for Christmas this year. I have it all.
(By the way, I'm sure my little boy is a smarty, but I'm very suspicious about whether he really wrote the note. If so, he needs to work on his uppercase letters.)