My new business cards and church invitation cards came in yesterday. They are black with some accents of blue and print in gray or white.
I will hand out my card to most everyone I meet, along with an offer of dinner at my house or simply time and space to talk. With these cards, people will get a small token of my affection for them.
I will hand out the church invitation cards to most anyone who is looking for a church, or might be willing to shadow the door of one at some point. With these cards, people will not only be invited into my heart and home, but in the hearts and homes of Christ's people.
While my time in town yesterday was brief, I was able to drop by the Army recruiting station with my new cards and personally invite each of those gentlemen into my house (starting 13 Nov) and to Christ's church.
One of the soldiers briefly attended college in Grand Rapids, down the street from my own college, and along with his wife, has stopped going to church. But he is willing and interested. Please pray that they would come to both our house and our church!
For those of you interested in the new invitation cards, we will be handing them out on Sunday at Falls Presbyterian, along with the challenge to hand several out to unbelieving friends, family, neighbors, or strangers in the course of the coming week.
This is not a full-fledged evangelistic campaign. It is the first act of what should be a wonderful play. In this first act, our people will become more comfortable with making their identity in Christ part and parcel of their everyday conversations and identity.
We will all fear and stumble at times for fear of giving offense and of what others might think of us.
But again, we're living to God's glory, even in our weakness. #AlwaysBeReady
Love is best shared in our homes over a meal, thank you for sharing the love of Christ