I was asked to offer a prayer at a local political gathering and I in turn asked to give a meditation just before the prayer. Here were my remarks (as best as I can remember them):
"Two notable political events happened a few days ago in Iowa: Terry Branstad, the popular Republican governor, issued his endorsement: Anybody but Cruz. Later in the day, Sarah Palin endorsed Donald Trump.
A third thing happened that day that was perhaps not as notable, but certainly more meaningful. An atheist at a Marco Rubio gathering challenged him about his religious rhetoric and asked him if he was running for 'Pastor-in-chief.'
Rubio responded with a brief presentation on the Gospel. He spoke of the Gospel as a free gift--one that cannot be coerced. But he also said that his faith was vital to his work. It reminds him that he is living for eternity, so small things, like being a good husband and father, are far more important than being President.
(See video here: https://youtu.be/Qy2Fjk00tTA )
Living in light of eternity--that is what makes political engagement a happy and hopeful task rather than an angry one. A great theologian about a hundred years ago (J. Gresham Machen) said that we cannot hope to move the world if we think that this world is all. In order to move the world, we must first have a place to stand.
That place to stand is on the truth of God's Word and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is these central truths that enable us to be "happy warriors," and if God so allows, people who can move the world."
Here is your gut check, friends: Do you get heartburn or lose sleep over the state of our culture or political system? Perhaps you have turned your politics into your religion. It's an easy thing to do.
God reigns over every kingdom and His grace in various ways permeates every place and every time through Jesus Christ. Why not focus on that fact before focusing on the task at hand?
You may find that you are the task, and God's is the hand.
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