
Oh, the Army!

Every so often, one responds to the unpredictable, seemingly spontaneous nature of Army life with some sort of resigned expression like "Oh, the Army." (We also use fun phrases to encourage adaptability to such a lifestyle, like "Semper Gumby.")

I was thrown for another loop this morning when it was mentioned at a meeting that the group of us who are moving will now be doing so by the end of this week. Thus, my "To Do" list has gone from preparing chapel services, Bible studies, and races to transitioning my chapel responsibilities asap, transitioning my race responsibilities asap, tie up counseling loose ends, and pack up my office.

As far as I know, I don't have an office or computer at our another site (that is another "To Do" that has now become urgent). So my first week there will probably be spent roaming around and visiting soldiers (which is never a bad or unenjoyable thing to do, regardless). I have touched base with the head chaplain at that post, and I hope to assume some form of chapel responsibilities in short order.

I am reminded more than ever that I am not in charge of my life. God directs. I follow. And I pray that, by His Spirit's power, He will work in me to will and work according to His good pleasure. May the glory of Christ be my aim in whatever circumstance.