
Burning Hearts

Recently, I created a blog for our soldiers who I may not be able to visit for a time or are unable to attend chapel services in a given week: http://sustainedbyforce.blogspot.com/

One thing I rejoice to see is the power of God's Word, which make hearts burn for the Gospel (like those of the disciples on the road to Emmaus in Luke 24). I'm perpetually caught in the preacher's spin-cycle of sin. As I preach, and afterward, I hear Satan telling me either that I'm a horrible preacher who is defaming the Gospel or that I'm a wonderful preacher who doesn't need the Gospel. My sin-softened heart is readily receptive to verbal and visual cues to reinforce this demonic soundtrack and am tossed about by the set of weary eyes in the pews or the profuse praise offered afterward. Back and forth, Satan condemns my heart in its guilt or arrogance.

Yet, in this I rejoice: God's grace is sufficient, and His Word--in all of its truth, power, and beauty--makes hearts burn. Whether there are 30 attendees at chapel (morning) or 3 (evening), whether they be believer or unbeliever--I see hearts respond to God's Word. It becomes honey to their lips, nourishment to their parched souls.

As a result, I was asked to do something to meet the needs of soldiers in need of such refreshment, so I created a blog. And in such hunger for the Word, I am reminded that "though I am bound to the point of chains as a criminal, the Word is not bound!" (2 Tim. 2:7-10). Praise God that I too get to enjoy that Word.