
The Unspoken Bond

This was only my third time, but when I entered the local Army recruiting station in my civilian clothes and barely adolescent beard, I was greeted by a chorus of greetings.

I didn't need to wear the uniform--they remember their own, and they remember their chaplains.

The first question I was asked: "Have any of our soldiers shown up at your church yet?"

Apparently, a number of them are looking for churches (good ol' Army with its middle-America culture) and want to visit! I told them I would love to see them there. I can honestly say that I love the church--the people are loving, and the preaching is warm, rich, and most important, biblical!

I cannot wait until our family moves into our new home. These soldiers will hopefully be unofficial uncles and aunts to our kids, and will always have a place at our table.

(I had a dear elder brother in the faith ask me today if my family eats beans six days a week so we can host others on the seventh. That has never been a problem. God has always provided plenty on all occasions. We have always been blessed by those who host us and serve leftovers--it shows that they are giving of what they have.)

While I share a unique bond with fellow soldiers, the rest of the church to which I belong also shares bonds in the community. Some gather with fellow trappers and hunters for a quality outing. Others have play dates with friends in their neighborhood. In all of these communal bonds, opportunities are in place to get deeper--to know others' struggles, yearnings, and beliefs. And in those deepening relationships, there are opportunities to share the truth of Christ--the hope for every broken sinner.

There is one deeper bond, and that is the one shared by those who know Jesus Christ. That bond transcends all others, for it is forged in divine blood. When we share the Gospel with others, we seek to bring new meaning to the term "blood brothers" and welcome people who may be very different from ourselves into the most intimate of relationships.

What is a camouflage uniform compared to the blood-washed robes of those belonging to such a great Savior?

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