
Video Clip From the Day a Hero Died

When a VBIED (vehicle-based IED) struck near our post on December 27th, the alarms started going off, soldiers either ignored them or rushed to their positions or places of cover, and I picked up my Ipod and pressed "record" for a few moments (it's not like I can pick up a weapon).

A few days later, I began to counsel soldiers who were friends with the US airman killed in this attack. A few days after that, I realized that it was CPT David Lyon, a dear young believer who I spent the better part of a night talking with and encouraging when I had been in the north of the country. If I had known then what had happened, I probably would've never started recording.

Please continue to pray for our soldiers overseas. Most are not in gun battles every day, but wait for the random day when they might get ambushed like our departed hero, Dave Lyon.

And please remember Dave's widow, Dana, who was stationed at our post and accompanied the body of her husband back to the States. She bitterly grieves the loss of her husband, but grieves with hope, knowing that they both belong, body and soul, in life and death, to Jesus Christ.

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