
Friends in New Places

I noticed a Tabletalk magazine on the desk of an Air Force lieutenant in my unit the other day. I told him I liked his choice of reading material, which has led to several subsequent conversations.

He is a young Christian, married for two years now, and like many believers his age, has been captivated by the beauty of Reformed theology. Like me, he grew up in MD in a loud, wild family while his wife grew up in the west in a much more subdued family. They are both in the Air Force, but they will probably both be leaving the service in order to start a family and start college ministries for ROTC students.

I am thankful for this brother as he provides my first young Reformed friend since my chapel buddy at the old post returned to VA. He is thankful for our friendship as well, as he has been sorely disappointed in most "Christian" chaplains that he has encountered. (Most young Christians do not know that there are many ministers out there who are cultural Christians but deny the core teachings of God's Word.)

We will start meeting once a week for coffee, fellowship, and to go through a book on a topic of his choosing.

Speaking of coffee, if anyone would like to buy a "Cup of Joe for a Joe," you can go to the Green Beans coffee website and sign up to buy coffee for soldiers. You can also become pen pals with them, as they make themselves available.

Msy God bless you each on this precious and gracious day of rest in Jesus Christ.