
New Beginnings

I arrived at my new location today, safe and sound.

Of the dozen or so who are moving over this month, six came today--three in an early convoy and three of us in a later one. Moving with me was a junior officer who hopes to become a chaplain down the road and my chaplain assistant, who arrived today. I have already lost him tonight, but will hopefully find him tomorrow. He is from inner city DC and hopes to use the Army to propel himself beyond his surroundings and set up a more secure future for himself and his prospective family.

It was humbling to hear from those at my old post who were sad to see me go and from those at my new post who are happy that I'm here. I have no set chapel service yet, or a Bible study, but I hope that those things will come in the next couple of weeks. In the meantime, I can invest much of my time visiting and counseling soldiers. I look forward to seeing what God has for me here, in His gracious providence. May He be glorified, here, as before, and always.