
Visiting Soldiers

I am presently in a more remote part of the country, visiting several of my soldiers that I haven't seen since our mobilization in the States. Another pleasant reunion.

Between my mobilization and my first couple of months at my other post, I feel like I have progressed through two phases of this deployment. In line with that sense, I will spend some of my upcoming posts reflecting on how I noticed God at work in His providence in my last phase. Perhaps, through these reflections, I will learn lessons in following Him in the phases to come.

As an aside, if you happen to notice any typos in these posts, they are the result of three deficiencies: (1) my speed of writing and lack of desire to edit, (2) the spellcheck function doesn't work out here for some reason, and (3) my editor is currently half a world away (and I got her pregnant!).

Enjoy my baby boy, but beware him "going ostrich."