
Rest Before the Storm

My time thus far in this distant place has been surprisingly tranquil.

The weather is slightly hot and temperate and towering mountains loom over this foreign outpost. The food is an improvement over my prior stateside post, as is the internet connectivity.

Aside a few final preparatory activities, I join most of my soldiers in sleeping at random hours throughout the day as we all adjust to the sudden time zone changes, in conjunction with the jet lag.

When not sleeping or engaging in these final preparations, I read my Nook, read Scripture and journal, check the latest emails and sports and political news online, and hang out with soldiers.

On my Nook, I have transitioned from the more thought-provoking non-fiction to some absorbing fiction. Right now, I am reading the prequels to Ender's Game--the classic young adult novel that will soon be a blockbuster movie. I sped through the first prequel and have a solid beachhead in the second. The third has not yet been released. I am not generally a fan of science-fiction, but these imaginative novels are thoroughly enjoyable.

In Scripture, I am starting to memorize Philippians, which will also become the basis of a long-term sermon series that I will go through once in theater. I have already started the Greek work with the help of BibleWorks, and am reading a commentary by Hywel Jones, who is one of the most profound preachers I have ever heard. Here is what I have memorized thus far:

Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, to all the saints in Christ Jesus in Philippi, along with the the overseers and deacons. Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (1:1-2)

Right now, I am meditating on the relationship between three great gifts the Christian enjoys: (1) Being a saint (holy/set apart) in Christ Jesus, (2) Being a servant of Christ Jesus, and (3) Receiving grace and peace from Christ Jesus. It is not a stretch to say that from the believer's fundamental identity and purpose to his spiritual livelihood and resulting assurance--all of it is bound in the most intimate way to the person and work of Jesus Christ.

In my occasional ventures online, I gain greater appreciation for the mundane blessings of life in the States (the same thing happens in Malawi, where I am prone to crave McDonald's). I enjoy sports news more, like Chris Davis' awesome home run tear for the Orioles. I also enjoy political news more, especially as some statewide elections are coming up this Fall. I also continue to enjoy two of my favorite Christian sites--the Heidelblog and the Gospel Coalition (both can be Googled).

One of my highlights of deployment thus far has been the unusual and delightful friendship I have struck up with an influential gay soldier. He had input on Army adjustments to the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell and was ecstatic about the recent Supreme Court decision (which I was decidedly less-enthused about). We will sometimes spar for hours at a time, ranging from philosophical principles and practical political compromises to the Gospel. I would dare say that he is becoming one of my better friends in the unit. Several other soldiers have often joined in our discussions as well. Sometimes, we all happen to sit down for a meal alongside of each other, and inevitably, somebody will ask "So what are we debating today, something political, theological, philosophical, or cultural?" What an enjoyable aspect of Army life!

Speaking of rest, tomorrow is Sunday, and as with the rest of this transitory period, I look forward to being refreshed by the Good News of Jesus Christ before being plunged into the storm! God bless you all.